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Content Warning

Content Warning

Content Warning is an exhilarating cooperative horror game that puts you and your friends in the shoes of aspiring viral content creators. Dive into the depths of the Old World, armed with nothing but a handheld video camera and your wits, as you film spine-chilling encounters to amass fame and fortune on SpookTube.


Content Warning is an exhilarating cooperative horror game that puts you and your friends in the shoes of aspiring viral content creators. Dive into the depths of the Old World, armed with nothing but a handheld video camera and your wits, as you film spine-chilling encounters to amass fame and fortune on SpookTube.

Gameplay Overview

Gather your squad of 2-4 players and embark on a journey into the unknown. Before descending into the depths, customize your character's face using the innovative ASCII face customizer, ensuring each member of your team stands out in the sea of content creators.

Equip yourself with flashlights, essential for illuminating the darkness of the Old World. Purchase additional gear from the in-game store to enhance your filming capabilities. Then, don the diving bell and plunge into the depths where horrors await.

Venture into the abyss and brace yourself for encounters with physics-animated monsters and cursed relics. Navigate treacherous environments while capturing every spine-chilling moment on your handheld video camera.

As you film terrifying footage, manage your resources wisely. Keep an eye on your oxygen levels, camera battery life, and the well-being of your friends. Work together to overcome obstacles and outmaneuver the horrors lurking in the darkness.

Upload and Gain Fame

Once you've captured enough spine-chilling footage, return to the surface and upload your videos to SpookTube. Sit back, relax, and watch as your views skyrocket. The more terrifying content you produce, the higher your chances of achieving viral fame.

Progression and Rewards

SpookTube Career

Each gameplay session spans three days, during which you must accumulate views to sustain your SpookTube Career. As your popularity grows, unlock opportunities for fame and fortune, paving the way for a lucrative career in the world of horror content creation.

Earn ad revenue for every video uploaded to SpookTube. Invest your earnings in the store to purchase upgraded gear, emotes, props, and medical equipment. Enhance your filming capabilities and increase your chances of survival in the unforgiving depths of the Old World.

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